Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Holiday Wind-Down

Well with Christmas over and the new year coming up, things are winding down a little. I say a little because there is quite a list still going for the Glitch butler plushies. For those that don't know what those are, here is a quick update on that:

Glitch was a game that I (Monica) really loved to play, sadly, it closed down the beginning of December and I received permission to create some plush dolls(? not sure what else to call them lol) that resemble the house butlers from the game. Here are pictures of some I've made so far:

Each is completely unique, as there are probably more than 8 choices for each body part. So each is a custom worked piece where I hand paint the fabric before sewing them together, then there is tons of hand sewing on details, even needle felting and crochet on some of the details. It's been really great to work on them, and I have a list so long for orders right now I'm going to be busy for the next two months! Crazy!

On top of that my fiance and I are talking with some friends about opening a store (that is completely unrelated from the online shops we sell in) where I would be running the cafe portion. I've always loved the idea of running a cafe, but part of me worries if my crafting will have to take a back burner- which I really don't want to happen.

Which brings me to my reason for writing today. I've felt like this for quite a while and wonder if sometimes other full-time crafters feel the same way. I chat with friends about working, or am introduced to someone new and explain to them what I do and I get the reaction from them that they think I really don't actually work. When in reality I end up spending anywhere from 5-7 hours each day working (usually with only 2-3 days off a month). I'm either taking care of household work, or I'm crafting for the online shop, there isn't much time for anything else. Yet for some reason people who aren't really into crafting think that I just sit around and do nothing all day. Why is that? Do others that craft get this from people they know and meet too? Maybe I'm just not really explaining well enough what I do? It's pretty frustrating. I do tend to be sparse with details, especially if I know the person I'm talking to insot into crafting (I figure I will bore them to death). 

And now knowing that in just a few months I could be running a cafe full time, what happens if I'm forced to choose between crafting and the cafe. Ugh. Not a choice I ever want to make. I hope I will be able to find a good balance between the two.

Anyways- back to talking about the online shop. Hopefully there will be some cute little crochet things popping up. I really want to find some time between the plushies to crochet on a more regular basis. Not that I don't love making the plushies, but I've found that I miss being able to crochet on a regular basis a lot. I'm also considering making other kinds of plush critters with the technique I've been using for the butlers. It really opens up a lot of options for design.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

More new items!

Check out some more new items posted just today :D

The Love Painting:

And this little Egg Shaped Baby Chick is still looking for a home :)

More Christmas themed items coming soon! Start your shopping early this year and get the special people in your life something handmade! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Copach Flur on Facebook

Well I got what I hope is a working facebook page for the shop! Copach Flur on Facebook I'm hoping that it's all set up right, just working out a few small details and trying to get the ad thing to work how I want it to. But be sure to stop over there and say hi (and maybe "like" us!). This ads just one more way to choose how you like to keep track of what's new and going on in our shop!

And of course, Blogger:

Now onto new items! We have some new wooden puzzles up on the shop now :)

Like this Giraffe Tray Puzzle:

There are also more paintings like this Celtic Knot

Enjoy! And thanks for stopping by :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Combined Effort!

So with my recent discovery of Zibbet, my parents and I have decided to merge our shops together on there! We are still using the Copach Flur shop, and it will still have all the same great stuff that you could find on both of our Etsy shops, but all in one place!

You will find some beautiful works of art by my mom:

Sunset Painting:

So stop by and check us out at our new home :D  And don't forget to stop by my mom's blog to see even more work!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More new listings on Zibbet!

Most of these items that I'll be listing are probably repeats, I'm moving a few of my items from Etsy over to my new Zibbet shop. But they are still as cute and still looking for new homes :)

Do you love cardinals? This needle felted red bird could be your new buddy-

And I hope it's not too early to see some christmas cuteness for you, because this little guy is feeling a little left out and lonely. Needle felted red-nosed reindeer-

As always, more to come! I have some more things planned for christmas and holiday items. 

Also, have you seen this great game? Glitch? I think people who are creative maybe enjoy this game a little more. But anyways, I like it so much I've been working on a couple little things from the game :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

New Items September 10th

So I posted a few new items today!

We have a couple sets of acorns in different colors:

Browns or harvest, fall, autumn... which ever works for you! :)

And white wintry ones!

I'm also trying out a new type of item. I have a lot of pretty glass beads, and decided to wire some into pendants!

If you like the looks of the couple I have up, keep an eye out, there are more to come! :D

And, as always, it's getting just about time to get the holiday items up and running. So far planned for this year are going to be some of the usual cute critters. I'm thinking of adding some pins (just have to get and attach the pin backs now lol). If you have any suggestions for what you'd like to see leave a comment and let me know!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back again!

I know I haven't been on here in what seems like forever, but I don't understand why ALL of my pictures in my past posts have been deleted. Kind of frustrating. I'm not sure if I am going to try and go back and fix them all or not.

But- in other news- I'm going to be trying out Zibbet. It says that it has a free user level, so I will be giving it a go and adding some things to my shop shortly. Personally, I decided to give this a go because I'm a little frustrated with Etsy's lack of advertising. And while I have read that Zibbet requires even more self-promotion than Etsy, I figure that it's just yet another place to put my work, the more the merrier.

New things for my Etsy shop include:

A soft and fuzzy crochet baby size blanket:

A little needle felted turtle that has beady eyes:

And a set of needle felted hearts that have cute white dots across them:

So since I will need to be doing more self-promoting, I will be trying to keep up with this blog again :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well then!

I haven't posted in a bit... I'm a bad blogger, what can I say. I have hopes and set goals to post regularly, and then they slip away. I haven't completely forgotten about posting, so I'll do a quick summary of what's been going on :)

Biggest news: I've been learning to crochet! If you want to learn too, I highly suggest this online crochet school. It's very well put together and I was able to learn very quickly! It's exciting and fun :D

Crafty Minx's Crochet School Link

I have a whole bunch of Valentine's needle felted hearts up on the shop now:

There's plenty of pink and purple ones also :)

I also put up a couple spring/easter type of items also, so take a look around while you're there!